Case Study: Successful Squatter Eviction in London

The Job
South East Enforcement was recently called out to a property on Kennington Lane, SE11, to assist with the squatter eviction. This is all part of the job for our expert squatter eviction team, who have years’ of experience removing squatters from buildings just like this one.
The particular squatter job was to evict long-staying squatters from a large office block. The squatters had been there for 2-3 years before South East Enforcement were instructed to remove them.
The Challenge
In this specific case, our Court Enforcement Specialists had the challenge of gaining entry through a barricaded door – no easy task, but a challenge our experienced Enforcement Agents were up for.
When our team first visited the property to identify access options, we had to rule out the roof as it was a tall stand-alone building, so the barricaded door was the only option available.
The Outcome
Our Enforcement Agents got access to the office block and had the squatters and their 3 years of belonings successfully evicted in just 8hrs, including those that tried to hide in there, avoiding eviction. Our team ensured each and every squatter was found and removed, before securing the building.